Cobaltorino Neva Masquerade Siberians

Welcome! My name is Faaiza Carrim and I am the felinologist at Cobaltorino Cattery. I am very glad to introduce you to our website dedicated to one of the most beautiful and unique creatures, the Neva Masquerade Siberian.

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Our Cattery

The Neva Masquerade breed captivated me with its soft, peaceful temperament, intelligence and devotion. A Neva Masquerade cat is elegant, attractive and sweet, with a sense of self-dignity and a calm, balanced character. Our cats are unforgettable with large, bright blue eyes that look straight into the soul. They have excellent health and are tender, affectionate and loyal to their masters.

Cobaltorino Neva Masquerade Cattery is based in Pretoria, South Africa. We breed Siberian cats from our purebred bloodlines imported from Russia, Serbia, Poland and Germany. Our pedigrees trace back several generations of ancient Neva Masquerade lines. The national cat and Pride of Russia, a Neva Masquerade Siberian will bring immense joy to your life.

Breed Characteristics

Exceptionally Good Looking

They are large, fluffy, white cats with brilliant blue eyes.

Colourpoint Cats

They are pointed cats - this means that the ears, face, paws and tail are a darker colour and the body is a creamy white. 

Triple Coat

They have the fluffiest, thickest coat of any other breed you will encounter - it is a triple coat. The texture of the coat of a Siberian cat is amazingly luxurious. A light weekly brushing is enough to maintain it. 

Athletic & Agile

They are surprisingly heavy and muscular. They can jump very high and far, landing nimbly. They are also very playful, retaining their cute kitten nature even in adulthood. They can play energetically in short bursts and then have several long naps, usually in their favourite position,  which is sprawled out flat on their backs. Siberian cats display the belly as a sign of absolute trust.

About Us

We are registered with the Southern African Cat Council and the Cat Federation of South Africa. We have years of experience in breeding cats with many delighted cat owners all over South Africa, USA and more. Cobaltorino Cattery is engaged in breeding to improve the Type of Siberians (according to the standard) and strive to produce cats of excellent physical condition and balance, as close to perfection as possible.

Faaiza Carrim

Cobaltorino Neva Masquerade Siberian Cat Breeder